Wednesday, April 14, 2010


OKAY!!!!!!! So we encountered new documents at the library downtown this week. Rachel, Erica and I went to the library to talk with David who is one of the people in charge of the local history room. We intended to just go down and get copies of some residential cards similar to the one Dr. K showed us in class. We were able to get a bunch of these right in the 700 block of all the streets in the area that we wanted and David will be scanning these into the computer for us and sending them to me as JPG files to upload on the OMEKA site in the next few days or so. He was very helpful while we were there and was also able to show us a folder full of Lansing State Journal Articles from the period of construction that had a lot of great photos. These I have uploaded onto the Omeka site for anyone to look at. Rachel, Erica and I pretty much copied a whole bunch of possibly useful photos to use to show the construction process from a bunch of different angles. In addition to that we did come across one article that had a photo of a store front on it as well which was really exciting since one of out exhibit ideas was to re-create store fronts. I am personally not familiar with the little mom and pop store that we found but it seems pretty cool. Some of the thing loaded on the OMEKA site are not labeled with a lot of detail due to the timing that I had to put them up. Either I or the other two ladies who I worked with will add more information to this as we need it. Hopefully these items are useful for us and if we want anything else David Votta from the library will be around all this week until early next week to help out.

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