Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is a photo that I took in front of the Michigan Capitol. The Capitol is located in the heart of Lansing and is the third structure to serve as the symbolic and functional center of state government. It was built in 1878 at a cost of about $1.5 million dollars and in 1992 it was officially designated as a National Historic Landmark.

Historical Questions about the site:

1. Who designed Michigan's capitol (architect)? Is this person significant and why?
2. Why was the capitol moved to its permanent location in the city of Lansing?
3. What is the architectural design of the capitol and does this have anything to do with the time period?
4. How was the construction of the building funded?
5. Who painted the detailled dome located in the rotunda room? Is this characteristic of the original design of the building or was it added during the restoration period?
6. The capitol itself appears to be in great condition being built almost 132 year ago, how has it survived in this great condition?

Visitor Questions about the site:
1. How many rooms are in the Michigan capitol?
2. How much did it cost to build such a grand building?
3. Is the building a functional or symbolic site?

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