Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This photo was taken on the grounds of Michigan's capitol and is one of the first multi-conflict memorials. It was presented to the state of Michigan by the Veterans Organization on November 11, 1982. It stands to represent all of the major wars during the 20th century in which the U.S. was an active participant: World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. It recognizes the 1,399,000 men that died for our country.

Historical questions about the site:
1. Why is this memorial so significant?
2. What year was the memorial built?
3. Who funded the construction of the memorial?
4. Who designed the memorial and of what material is it made of?

Visitor questions about the site:
1. How many people lost their lives in these conflicts?
2. How much money did the memorial cost?
3. Why did they choose the capitol's grounds to dedicate this memorial?

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