Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This old-fashioned contraption is one of the first steam-powered fire truck in Michigan built in 1895. This truck is from Traverse City but currently resides in a glass case in the East Lansing vicinity in front of an insurance building. It was eventually replaced by the gas powered fire engine in the early 1900's.

Historical questions about the site:
1. Who designed the truck and why was it significant?
2. How did this truck change society during its time period?
3. What was the power that this truck had? i.e How much water could the vehicle carry and what type of water pressure did it have?
4. What types of material was the truck made of and why?
5. From what time period to when was this truck utilized?
6. What was the durability of this contraption? Was there anything that it could not withstand?
7. Where was the truck first used?

Visitor questions about the site:
1. How old is the fire truck?
2. How sturdy is the vehicle?
3. How fast could it go?
4. Why is the truck now located in front of an insurance building instead of being in a museum?
5. How much water could the truck carry at one time?
6. How did fires get put out before the truck was built and used?

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