Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Residential Cards

Today, I went to the Capital Area District Library downtown to check into getting a hold of a compilation of residential cards similar to what we were shown in class last week. We on the design team thought this could be a small visual part in the actual exhibit design to show the integration caused from the construction of the highway. I am not sure if we will for sure use these if we are able to to get them but it was a tangible item that is possible. Sadly, this portion of materials in the library is only accessible Tuesday nights like Brandon had mentioned or by appointment. I have emailed/called the guy who heads this section of the library and Rachel and I will be meeting there either next Tuesday night or by appointment if we need to! Hopefully we can find something good and usable for the exhibit! The information assistant that I talked to mentioned that he may be able to find other useful things for us as well. I will update that when I hear from him!

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