Friday, March 12, 2010

What to do?????

Now that I have finally had some time to ponder over the 2 focus choices for our I-496 project, I still am not completely happy with choosing either topic fully. I feel that both choices are beneficial into giving important insight into the areas concerning the overall construction but I still think we need to fully decide who our audience is going to be to decide what we want to do. I personally still think that if we are going to propose an idea to the MHC, that we still should cater to their audience (being third and fourth grade students.) I know that our overall goal is not necessarily to have the MHC want to use our idea but hey while we are putting a lot of work into this project we may as well do it in a way that COULD be useful if it was wanted.

Last week, Prof. Knupfer posted after class on how we were facing a problem between “realism and idealism.” I could not agree more with this statement. It is unfortunate that we have such a short time to complete this project but I tend to side more with the realism group! I do not necessarily think that one proposal or the other is harder per se but I do think that there are some areas in each that will be harder to do. With proposal 1, I am still having a hard time grasping what we would do to create an exhibit that would not only flow well but would also be appealing to any audience. Some of our listed sources are things such as census/population statistics, real estate assessments, city directories etc. but is the information that we are able to collect from these items going to interest our intended audience?? I am not sure. I know these are important things but I am trying to figure out what is appealing to let’s say a student age audience. Students like narratives, colors, personal interviews, pictures……. Basically visual items that they can learn from. Now, if our audience is going to be an older adult population, things such as numbers, documents, safety and efficiency issues etc would definitely be things to use and share. I am just really confused. I feel like we have little time to complete this task in addition to our individual projects that we SHOULD choose the option that would be easiest but I am mixed between easy and meaningful because there is no use in completing a project that is easy if it is useless whereas more time spent in a more beneficial project is worth the while in the end.

Needed think time now….. more to come soon….. hmmmmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! I have been trying to look through a lot of the background reading write ups and look up what I can online, and I've hit a brick wall! Both proposals have their strengths and weaknesses, and the "realism vs idealism" argument I certainly agree with. Proposal 1 certainly has the barrier not only in presenting so much of our perceived idea of a 'community' in the area, but also in making the resources at our disposal appealing to an audience (those of families and younger children). I definitely have struggled like you in thinking about which (if either or both) would be best for our class project!!!
